Friday, December 11, 2009

Lovely Lady dressed in blue, teach us how to pray

In honor of the30th anniversary of Archbishop Fulton Sheen's entering eternity, and the feast of the Immaculate Conception, here is a poem he helped make famous.

Lovely Lady dressed in blue -------

Teach me how to pray!

God was just your little boy,

Tell me what to say!

Did you lift Him up, sometimes,

Gently on your knee?

Did you sing to Him the way

Mother does to me?

Did you hold His hand at night?

Did you ever try

Telling stories of the world?

O! And did He cry?

Do you really think He cares

If I tell Him things -------

Little things that happen? And

Do the Angels' wings

Make a noise? And can He hear

Me if I speak low?

Does He understand me now?

Tell me -------for you know.

Lovely Lady dressed in blue -------

Teach me how to pray!

God was just your little boy,

And you know the way.

Mary Dixon Thayer who wrote more than one poem for Our Lady, is the author.
This prayer-poem was popularized in the 1950s by Archbishop Fulton Sheen.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Having lived in the era when this lovely poem/song was made popular, will have to give Daniel Lord, SJ, credit for it's popularity. He was a great leader of the Sodality of Mary for Youth - and this song was sung many times by Catholic youth of my day, in the late 40's and early 50's. I watched Fulton Sheen during that era as well - and do not remember this song as part of his weekly TV show. However, think it is great to honor Sheen for he certainly loved Our Lady and was a great example to many Catholics.