Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My Christmas picture cards

Thanks to Hallie Lord's helpful post at Faith and Family Live, I discovered Shutterfly's  offer of 50 free Christmas cards for bloggers(sorry, registration is now closed, remember this for next year).
 It was good news, at a time when I was about to give up on getting Christmas cards done. Last year I didn't even get to it, and since I moved many of my friends don't have my address, this is a great way to send it to them. I still have their cards up on my kitchen cabinets from last year, I couldn't bear to take them down.
This is my first non-media product endorsement,  I can sincerely recommend these cards, since I have made my Christmas cards over at  Shutterfly before (see the upper left photo of the girls,  surrounded in blue).
I found them on my own a few years ago, when Shutterfly was one of the few make-a-card sites where you could get a good assortment of religious photo-card templates. 
We just took about a dozen pictures of the girls in their Mass clothing and are trying to select which one of the 37 religious templates to use. We took photos in black and white, sepia, and in color, on our staircase, adorned in garlands. I am trying to decide between this template and this one. 
It depends on which photo we choose as the winner.We can use a group shot or break up the shot into individual portraits. This might work where you have a good shot for the older girls,  but  with a restless little girl like Christina, you can count on shots where she is a blur!
I'll post a copy of the card when its done.
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